Research and Reports

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Trellis has a robust Impact and Evaluation team that provides a range of activities as we strive to provide top quality programs, the best experiences and outcomes for children, youth and families, contribute to best practices, and articulate our impact to stakeholders. We incorporate research to build knowledge, consensus and understanding. Innovation drives growth, sustainability and resilience.

Our areas of focus include:

  • Evaluation frameworks and performance metrics

  • Research with academic and community partners

  • Inform best practices and policy

  • Program design and development

  • Data-mining, analysis and integration

  • Continuous quality improvement and accreditation

  • Information management and case management software

  • Collaboration with key stakeholders to improve services and drive innovation

Research with Trellis

Are you interested in working on a research project with the team at Trellis? Please email us at with your research project ideas.

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Innovation for Youth with Complex Needs: Evaluating the Boreal as a Pilot Project

This article details the pilot program of The Boreal, a supportive housing program for eight youth with complex needs, that provides wrap-around supports and intensive case management in lodge-style housing. It tells the story of the young people who participated in the Boreal’s first year of operations, each of whom have cycled through multiple systems, including Children’s Services, justice, health, and disability. Their lived experiences represent a collective inadequacy of multiple systems, which are unable to work together to address their needs and keep them safe.


Merger Tools: Shared Learning

Merging For Good: Integration Report by Mount Royal University

A two-part chronicle of the creation of Trellis, a newly amalgamated Calgary-based human service organization from the merger of two nonprofit, human services organizations: Aspen Family & Community Network Society and Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary.